The name’s Tooth. Been around the blockchain more times than I’d like to count. I’ve seen the scams, rug pulls, and more fraud than a dental office full of sugar junkies. Used to be part of the old system, finance… God knows it was rotten to the core. Cavities too deep to fill… But I got out. Went decentralized. Now? I’m the last honest molar in a world of decay.

I’ve got fluoride hands tougher than diamond. And an appetite for a green candle any night of the week. Some call me a relic. They say the new kids don’t need an old incisor like me biting down through the bearish times. But when things go south - when the market crashes, when the plaque starts building up - guess who they run to? That’s right. The Tooth.

I don’t do second chances. I don’t do cover-ups. I keep things clean, sharp, and immutable. Because in this world, there’s two kinds of players - those who hold, or those who get pulled.

And me..? Hell... well I’m still biting.